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S&L was awarded as the PCB Supplier of the Year

Article source:Sun&LynnEditor:Sun&Lynn Mobile phone view
Popularity:3128Dated :01-17-2018 03:14【big well Small

Dec.27.2017, S&L was awarded as the PCB Supplier of the Year by KYD, the leading company of children's educational device. 


Established in 2002, KYD is specialized in the R&D of extensive range of children's educational device, aiming to bring happiness into children's self-learning and KYD is now the top brand in children's educational device market in China. Being the tier one PCB manufacturer China, S&L Circuits has been the strategic PCB supplier of KYD since 2008 and has been working with KYD over 10 years to helps her to win market for the time-to-market products. It's the consecutive awards of the Supplier of the Year in the past 5 years for the superior quality performance and outstanding service of S&L Circuits.



The VP Sales from S&L Circuits attended the awarding ceremony and it's the only one awarded PCB supplier China. The VP Sales from S&L Circuits made a brief speech to thank the customer's trust. S&L Circuits will be working with KYD closely in the coming year to contribute more to the cutting-edge product of KYD in 2018.


KYD and Sun&Lynn Circuits also signed a memorandum of Cooperation for the next 3 years to work together as an alliance for a win-win situation. We believe the leading PCB manufacturer China S&L Circuits will have another strong performance in the year of 2018!

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